Returns Policy
You have 14 days to return an item for a full refund (provided it is still in its original packing and in a saleable condition).
If you change your mind and wish to return your item, please contact, where we will be happy to help.
We will contact you within 7 days of having received your return in order to confirm whether your refund has been accepted. If accepted, we will refund you to your original payment
Returns Info
- You have 14 days in which to return your order for a full refund.
- We can only accept a return of items which are unused and in their original packaging.
- For hygiene reasons, we unable to accept returns of Teether’s, Dummies, Cups, bowls, plates and cutlery.
- GIft-cards are not refundable.
- Returned items must be in a resalable condition. If this is not the case, the item will be returned to you at your own cost.
- Unfortunately, we are not able to cover the cost of returns.
- We are not able to accept exchanges at this time.